Globalwarming is a serious issue whose science has been mangled by emotion, personal agendas, and politics. Author and scientist Dr. Robert Piccioni discusses the explosive issue from a scientific and logical perspective. Dr. Piccioni claims the root cause of climate pollution is energy and that we are bankrupting the U.S. economy and poisoning our planet by producing energy with 19th century technology. The book Everyone’s Guide to Atoms, Einstein & the Universe was an Award Winner in the Science category of the National Best Books 2009 Awards, sponsored by USA Book News! Dr. Robert Piccioni graduated from Caltech, has a Ph.D. in high-energy physics from Stanford University, and was on the research faculty of Harvard University. He ran 8 start-up and turnaround high-tech companies making medical and microelectronic equipment, and holds several patents for medical, microelectronic and smart energy devices. Now retired, he enjoys making the exciting discoveries of science accessible to everyone! Dr. Piccioni hosts the radio show Guide to the Cosmos
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