A woman with blonde hair posing for the camera.

Add layoffs, foreclosures, shrunken or depleted 401(k)s, and skyrocketing health care costs to everyday life and you have today’s landscape, one in which even those people who thought they had solid coping skills feel their center cannot hold as things start to fall apart. In her first book in many years, The Ten Things to Do When Your Life Falls Apart, Daphne Rose Kingma speaks with her trademark depth and compassion. Like the perfect combination of empathic friend, sage counselor, savvy problem solver, and even gallows humorist, she looks straight into the predicaments so many face and offers 10 deceptively simple yet profoundly effective strategies for addressing despair on practical, emotional, and spiritual levels! Daphne Rose Kingma’s books have been featured on Oprah SIX times and sold over a million copies! She has been featured inL.A. Times, L. A. Herald Examiner, L. A. Weekly, Dallas Morning News, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch as well as Mademoiselle, New Woman, Self, and Oprah. www.daphnekingma.com

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