Are we on the verge of an energy revolution that will solve the current worldwide energy problem while dramatically lowering climate pollution? Lewis Larsen the president of Lattice Energy LLC, seems to think so!

The Widom-Larsen (W-L) theory explains low energy nuclear reactions (LENR’s) at ordinary temperatures and pressures. Unlike conventional neutron-triggered fission and hot fusion reactions that involve random collision of individual particles and require extremely high temperatures and pressures which equates to perpetual danger, the W-L theory proposes collective processes involving many particles acting in concert to generate neutrons with negligible kinetic energies, i.e., they have “ultra low momentum”  and are not as harmful as such generated by current nuclear energizing methods. Deadly energetic neutrons and X-ray/gamma radiation are typically produced by nuclear fission or hot fusion reactions; however, the charged-particle products produced by LENR’s (beta and alpha particles) cannot penetrate a piece of paper or the human skin! Can this science which has been reviewed by many in the field including NASA change the world on an immeasurable scale . . . ?

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