A woman with blonde hair posing for the camera.

According to Dr. Robert A. Linden there are four major dilemmas at work in the rapid decline of the United States’ healthcare system: 1. The disappearing primary care sector. 2. Healthcare insurance reform. 3. The influence of the pharmaceutical industry on the practice of medicine. 4. Reform of malpractice litigation. Dr. Robert A. Linden provides a comprehensive, straightforward explanation of these four dilemmas, from the perspective of a primary care physician who has spent 30 years working directly with patients and seeing first-hand how changes in the system have impacted patients and physicians. Dr. Linden sorts out the fragments of information that most readers get through the media and fills in the blanks to provide a full, clear picture of what’s wrong with the U.S. healthcare system, an impartial review of proposed solutions, and a look at what several other countries have done to reform their healthcare systems. THe is a Fellow in the American College of Physicians and has been a member of the part-time teaching faculty at Yale School of Medicine. www.facebook.com/pages/The-Rise-and-Fall-of-the-American-Medical-Empire

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