A woman with blonde hair posing for the camera.

According to Michael Clarkson a poltergeist is defined as a disturbance or energy with bizarre physical effects of paranormal origin that suggest mischievous or destructive intent, such as breaking or moving objects and loud knocks or noises. Reviewing 75 cases and interviewing hundreds of witnesses, paranormal experts, law enforcement officers, psychologists, and skeptics, Clarkson reveals some spine-tingling results such as: 1. The typical poltergeist case involves a young person from a repressed home who is going through puberty. He or she may have epilepsy, which produces recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis, a state in which gravity is temporarily suspended. 2. A respected former Princeton University scientist believes he has proven in laboratory experiments that psychokinesis exists and that poltergeist cases are probably true. 3. This rare energy may be part of a person’s fight-or-flight system, which is hardwired into everyone and can erupt in certain conditions. The new book The Poltergeist Phenomenon is an exciting, original look at an old subject by an award-winning investigative reporter. www.michaelclarkson.com

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